Love Run, Philadelphia, March 2022

March 27, 2022, Philadelphia, PA

It was quite chilly but I was very happy with my results in the Philly Love Run Half Marathon on March 27th. This was my 22nd lifetime half marathon, and I ran my fastest pace since 2014! Still slow for most runners, but after years of doing multiple marathon series on back-to-back-to-back days using run/walk intervals to avoid injury, this was a pretty good run.

I really enjoyed seeing a lot of old friends, too. I had signed up with The Running Place team (a Newtown Square running store that also is associated with my local running club, Fast Tracks), and that made the start and finish line a lot easier to navigate on a very chilly day (the winds made it feel even colder).

My friend from Mainly Marathons races, Hank Lopez (known as Hank on the Hill on Facebook) met me there, and I also saw Kim and Woody from Mainly Marathons acquaintance out on the race course. I had fun, too, catching up with so many friends from Fast Tracks — too many to mention.

All in all, a great day. By the time I got home we were getting flurries! Springtime!